

 Hi,my name is David

Around 4 years ago i was in a bad place. I was a drug addict on pretty heavy drugs and i got very sick.I didn't know i already had a problem with my liver and the drug taking had made that problem alot worse.More or less if i didn't stop i wouldn't be here writing this right now.There was many horrible types i hung around with when i was in that was but there was one guy who had a little white dog.I seen he was hitting him and the dog was in a bad way he was screaming in pain everytime he went to the toilet,it turned out he had perineal hernia's but i will get there.Anyway I kept the dog i couldn't see it suffer the way it was and more or less refused to give him back.He was in bad shape but so was i and still ot in a good way. But Ollie gave me something to focus on and reminded me of the good in life,we have both since been nursing ourselves back to health,well i have and i'm totally sober.I credit Mr Ollie he is a little white Chines Crested Powder Puff with huge ears like Gizmo out the Gremlins.He was a little angel that came into my life at that exact time when we both needed saving and we did save each other.If we hadn't met neither of us would be here now.Anywayafter a few operations for Ollie he was doing Ok but i noticed he was in pain at night and he ended up getting scan at vets just to find out he has quite bad arthritis in his spine.I love my little dog to death and i tried absolutely everything possible from turmeric to a quarter of a Co-Codemol a day and he had some short relief but was still in pain.At the same time my body was in recovery and i started having panic attacks from me wrecking my nervous system with years of drug use.At the end of my tether one day someone recommended to me CBD Oil, i thought whatever as i smoked weed for years and scoffed at it thinking it was just a waste of money. But hey i was desperate, I couldnt bear to see Mr Ollie get put down so i ordered some for both of us. Some for pets and some for myself. The very first night in months Mr Ollie slept right through and so did i. I haven't needed to take my anti anxiety medication and haven't had another panic attack since. So again something to do with him has fixed me as well. My little angel so he is.We are very lucky to have found each other, so i write this in thank you to my wee dog Mr Ollie.

                                                                 MR  OLLIE
If you would like any information on CBD products and the best place to get them please visit my website is the best place to go through to purchase CBD and find out where to get the absolute top quality CBD from.So many companies a ripping people off after jumping on this market to make a quick buck.I have been through so many of them selling Oil that has no CBD in it whatsoever.So i went out my way and done a ton of research and spent a hell of a lot of money finding the top 5 CBD companies in the world i have just finished writing my article today on no 3 and put on my site. Tomorrow is number 2 and then the best in the world the CM Punk of CBD industry on Wednesday.So please visit my site before you buy any CBD i have so much information and also free e-book on every product.Don't get ripped off people do your homework first or in this case just come and copy mine.Thanks for reading

David Jamieson


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