
Does CBD Work For Pain?


 CBD oil is derived from the cannabis plant. People report using this oil for relief from pain, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders.

There is limited evidence from human studies to support the benefits of CBD oil, due to restrictions on the use of and research on cannabis. As cannabis is becoming legalized in various regions, research is gaining momentum and shows some promising results.


According to the Institute of Medicine of The National Academies, 100 million Americans live with chronic pain. Along with drastically reducing quality of life, chronic pain can increase healthcare costs and have a negative impact on productivity at work.

Common types of chronic pain include:

Cancer Pain





Multiple Sclerosis

Over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription pain medications are often recommended in the treatment of chronic pain, but many people seek out alternative forms of relief, such as herbs, nutritional supplements, and products like CBD oil.

Some of these people wish to avoid the side effects frequently associated with standard pain medication, such as damage to the liver and kidneys, while others have concerns about becoming dependent on such medications.

Alot of people take CBD for it's anti-inflammatory properties, but a good question is which is better for pain relief CBD or THC? CBD does not get you high because it does not have THC in it.THC is responsible for that “high” that people get from marijuana, which may also play a role in pain relief. CBD doesn’t usually cause an intoxicating feeling, but research suggests it, too, may help ease arthritis symptoms.

These two chemicals both show potential in easing pain, but in different ways. Choosing a product rich in THC, CBD, or both could make a difference in the kind of pain relief you experience — if any. 

Here’s what experts say about the differences between THC and CBD for pain relief.CBD and THC activate different cannabinoid receptors in your body that can stimulate or inhibit brain chemicals and cause certain effects.

“We know a lot more about how THC works in terms of the molecular mechanism [than CBD],” says Steve Alexander, associate professor of molecular pharmacology at the University of Nottingham Medical School, who researches cannabinoids.

“THC activates certain cannabinoid receptors, one of which is in the nerve cells and the other is in the immune cells. When it activates the one in the nerve cells, it reduces the sensation of pain,” he adds.

The high that THC provides can also play a role in how people experience pain. “A little bit of euphoria can help us not care that we’re experiencing quite as much pain, much in the same way that other pain medications work,” says Angela Bryan, PhD, professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Colorado Boulder, who has studied cannabis and health.

CBD is much less understood than THC by researchers, although there is anecdotal evidence that it may provide pain relief in some people.

So On a review done in 2018, it assessed how high CBD is when it comes to relieving chronic pain. This review looked at several studies done from 1975 to 2018. These studies tested countless types of pain, such as neuropathic pain, cancer pain, and fibromyalgia. 

Constructed from these studies and a handful of research, experts concluded that CBD is genuinely useful in lessening pain and did not cause any adverse effects. 

So that wonderful plant seems to be making a giant leap in the medical world as trials and research is done. So once what was deemed so illegal and could send you to prison could really be a massive saviour in many people's lifes when it comes to pain and illness.

I myself smoked for years so at first when i thought about stuff with no THC i just thought it would be a waste of money. Thought people were grasping at straws a little bit, then i seen someone i know who was ill and how it helped aleviate their symptoms adn give a little bit relief. That got me thinking. Then my dog developed arthritis.I tried so many different things from turmeric to metacam and other pain killers.Nothing seemed to work! Every night he was crying in pain and i felt bloody awful. So CBD was my last hope with Mr Ollie And it has worked wonders there's a video at the bottom of him now in the garden.I have an illness to and i started taking CBD oil and that has helped me massively aswell. I decided to start this blog and couple of other things to get the word out there and tell people not to frown at CBD and to try it because if you are in need of a little relief from some ailment that's driving you mad. You are more likely to get it from CBD than a hundred different pills you are going to get shoved down your throat from so called medical professionals or pharmaceutecal companies that(have our best interests at heart). If that was the case this would've been readily available 30 years ago and not locking people up for it. Anyway it is here now and i urge people to be open minded and not let society and it's failures decide for you.

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