


Profollica Hair Recovery System For Men:

Profollica: Try an Alternative to Surgery, Prescription Drugs, and Side Effects

Looking for an effective and affordable hair loss solution can be downright frustrating. It is easy to assume that there are so many promises and so many options, but that nothing actually works.

Sure you could opt for expensive surgery or prescription drugs, but are the so called results really worth all of the risk?

The real question is, would you still consider hair loss treatments with drastic side effects if you knew that there was an all natural product that could offer just as many benefits?

Probably not, which is one of the main reasons why the Profollica anti hair loss system is becoming one of the most talked about herbal products on the market. The 3 part solution was created through years of testing and research and contains some of the most powerful and proven natural ingredients that you will find. Due to the powerful formula and the premium quality natural supplement, Profollica comes with absolutely no side effects which makes it a truly risk free hair loss solution.

There are a few reasons why Profollica is proven to work so well. In order for hair to grow there are three main things that must happen within the body. Any effective hair loss product has to unclog the follicles by removing sebum, reduce the amount of DHT in the scalp, and stimulate more blood circulation in or to revitalize the follicles. Some hair loss products can offer two of those three benefits, but it is very uncommon for a system to offer all three.

Thankfully, Profollica does. In fact, for many men and satisfied customers, the products have done ever more than that.

The natural hair loss products within the system can not only prevent the loss of hair but can also reverse the effects of hair loss over the years. While other prescription products claim to offer the same benefits, they are incredibly expensive and the chemicals used in their formulas can have a number of nasty effects. The most common effect is often an increase in erectile dysfunction.

Isn't it completely counter-reactive if a hair loss product allows you to gain back confidence by growing more hair, but then seriously damages your ego thanks to erectile dysfunction?

The creators of Profollica definitely agree which is why they put so much work, effort, and money into finally creating a safe alternative to surgery and prescription drugs.

It is for these reasons that Profollica has become one of the most popular hair loss systems that you will find on the market today. Couple all of that in with the fact that the products come with a full, no hassle, money back guarantee and it becomes nearly impossible to find any drawback to trying the system out for yourself.

If you are serious about trying to get your hair, and your confidence, back then this is one system that you absolutely have to give a try.

For more information, go to


How Does Profollica Work?

While there are many positive reviews, glowing testimonials, and a wealth of information available online when it comes to Profollica, there are still a lot of people that wonder just how the proven system actually works. Instead of repeating all of the same information that you can read every else, we are going to dive right in and actually show you why the products are so effective.

For starters, this is not just a single product that offers explosive results or guarantees to offer all kinds of benefits. Instead, it is a complete hair loss fighting system that is made up from three natural and powerful products: A gel, a shampoo, and a nutritional supplement. Each product serves its own purpose and plays a vital role in ensuring the most powerful results possible.

Profollica Activator Gel

The gel that comes within the system is aimed at revitalizing your hair follicles and stimulating new hair growth. You simply have to work the gel into your hair and then let it sit and go to work.

Profollica Shampoo

This shampoo is far different than any normal shampoo that you would come across in a store. It creates a foam-filled and creamy lotion all over your hair that treats the scalp, fights against dryness, and gives the hair that you have more texture overall.

Profollica Nutritional Supplement

On top of what the shampoo and the gel provides, the nutritional supplement treats your hair from the inside out. It provides a number of amino acids, minerals, and vitamins to the body that offers your hair all kinds of nourishment and strengthens your follicles.

So how does it actually work?

In simpler terms, to prevent hair loss and stimulate the most new hair growth possible, the system goes to work as soon as you use it. The shampoo fights to unclog the pores so that hair can grow through the follicles while the gel and shampoo combine to help reduce the amount of DHT that exists on the scalp.

This can increase the thickness of the hair that does grow back and improve the health of your head on the whole.

Lastly, the potent ingredients in the nutritional supplement are aimed at improving your blood circulation in order to strengthen follicles.

This impressive three-tiered approach to hair loss is why Profollica has set a new standard when it comes to the entire hair loss industry.

Now you no longer have a reason to simply sit back and live with the fact that you are losing your hair. You have the opportunity to get the hair that you used to have back, and can do so for far less money than you ever thought possible. In fact, considering how many happy customers the system already has, and how beneficial it has proven to be, it is an absolute steal for the price.

That means that not only do you have the chance to grow more hair, you also have more money available to spend on more important things.

For more information, go to



About 5 years ago i started going bald,I am a 32 year old man and have always had great hair so when this happened i was absolutely devastated.I went around trying so many different products to no avail and i could'nt afford a hair transplant as they cost in the region of $25000.Just when i thought i had exhausted every avenue I was swithering whether to borrow money for a hair transplant.Then one day i spoke to a friend and he mentioned Profollica.He said it had worked wonders for him and i should try it,so i started and within 6 months my hair had started miraculously growing back,i couldn't be more thankful to my friend for telling me and Profollica for inventing the product.It works for some people a bit quicker.You have to keep up with the treatment though.

  1. The first stage is the application of an activator gel, which, together with a good DHT blocking shampoo, works to trigger new hair growth both in males and in females and reduce the amount of DHT found in the scalp—giving way to the growth of thicker, fuller and healthier hair.
  2. Finally, the second phase involves the consumption of nutritional supplement—pills that are designed to replenish the nutrient supply in your hair for added vitality and health.
  3. Within 6 months my hair had started growing back to my amazement you have to keep up with the treatments but this stuff really worked wonders for me and my confidence.I would certainly recommend it to anyone thinking about spending obscene amounts of money on hair transplants.
  4. Most clients report seeing their hair begin to regrow within 30 days of use, with more significant results seen after 60 days of use!

    It's an extremely affordable alternative to spending $25,000+ on hair replacement surgery. And it's SAFE -- 100% natural and doctor approved

What Really Causes Hair Loss?

A lot of factors can be attributed to the triggering of hair loss in both men and women. Some of these include going under some form of medical treatment (for instance, chemotherapy can cause one to lose their hair in the process), a condition or an ailment, certain medications that you take, a lack of zinc in one’s body, too much Vitamins A or E and hair damage that can be caused by styling products and other harsh materials.

By using Profollica, you are not only guaranteed getting your hair back, but also experience a host of other great benefits:

  • Experience a safe and all-natural (read: safer and cleaner) method to curing hair loss, which serves as an attractive alternative to over the counter medications
  • Reduce worries on adverse side effects, as it is an all-natural product
  • Be able to use the product for even colored and permed hair

Profollica Ingredients

Profollica contains, among others, the following ingredients:

  • Panax Ginseng Root 
  • Kigelia Africana Extract 
  • Salvia Sclarea Extract
  • Gingko Biloba Extract           

Product Guarantee

Profollica has a 100% refund policy.If you want a refund for any reason contact the Leading Edge Herbal Department and get a return to merchandise authorization form,once you have this just include the bottles even if they are used to company headquarters in Tennessee.

Where to Buy Profollica

Profollica cannot be bought in stores, if you are interested in purchasing Profollica, the only place to get it is online at


Profollica Side Effects

Profollica does not have any side effects as it is made with all natural elements.It does not include any ingredients which are toxic or will harm you in any way whatsoever.


Is It For Me?

If you have hair loss and can't afford treatment like a hair transplant this is the product to go too.It is a sensational product and within 6 months you could be back to that happy confident self with a full head of hair you used to be...



You can get a 6 months supply for $299.95

                         3 month supple for $159.95

                          1 month supply for $ 59.95


So Profollica is one of the best products i have ever used,I was very sceptical at first as you hear about a products like this all the time that don't actually work and you get reviews from people that have never tried them trying to make themselves money.I have actually used this product and am very happy  with my hair now.I am so glad i didn't go and get myself in debt so i could get a hair transplant as i would still no doubt be paying off the debt now.This is definately a cheaper healthier way to get your hair back to the way it used to be.I recommend this product to anyone out there searching like i was for a treatment that works and is affordable.

Go to for free hair-loss E-Book on the best hair-loss treatments available.

A hair transplant can cost $25000, find out all other avenues first and start here...


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